Zohner, Emma, Edward Gunning, Giles Hooker and Jeffrey Morris, "CLaRe: Compact near-lossless Latent Representations of High-Dimensional Object Data''
Goldwasser, Jeremy, William Fithian and Giles Hooker "Gaussian Rank Verification"
Wang, Xiaohan, Yunzhe Zhou and Giles Hooker, "Targeted Learning for Variable Importance"
Sapienza, Facundo, Jordi Bolibar, Frank Schafer, Brian Groenke, Avik Pal, Victor Boussange, Patrick Heimbach, Giles Hooker, Fernando Perez, Per-Olof Persson and Christopher Rackauckas, "Differentiable Programming for Differential Equations: A Review''
Tan, Kevin, Giles Hooker and Edward L. Ionides, "Accelerated Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes using Automatic Differentiation"
Xin, Xi, Giles Hooker and Fei Huang, "Why You Should Not Trust Interpretations in Machine Learning: Adversarial Attacks on Partial Dependence Plots".
Warmenhoven, John, Ian Schrier, Andrew Vigotsky, Lorenzo Lolli, Paolo Menasp\`{a}, Aaron Coutts, Maurizio Fanchini and Giles Hooker, "Synthetic data for sharing and exploration in high performance sport''.
Goldwasser, Jeremy and Giles Hooker, "Provably Stable Feature Rankings with SHAP and LIME''.
Ghosal, Indrayudh and Giles Hooker, "Generalized Boosted Forests".
Wawrzyniak, Kelly M., Giles Hooker, Matthew Finkelman, Susana C. O. Upegui, Rommer A. O. Martinez, Adriana Bazoberry, David J. DiBenedetto, James O'Brien, Brent Young and Carlos F. Bazoberry, 2024, "A novel method for conservation of supplemental oxygen: A randomized, crossover study of the efficiency and non-inferiority of the OXFO System'', Journal of Global Health Reports, in press.
Ghosal, Indrahudh, Yunzhe Zhou and Giles Hooker, 2024, "The Infinitesimal Jackknife and Combinations of Models" Statistical Science, in press.
Sikdar, Sharmistha, Giles Hooker and Vrinda Kadiyali, 2024, "Variable Importance Measures for Multivariate Random Forests'', Journal of Data Science, in press.
Zhou, Yunzhe, Peiru Xu and Giles Hooker, "A Generic Approach to Reproducible Model Distillation", Machine Learning, in press. ArXiv link
Asemota, Alexander, and Giles Hooker, "Longitudinal Counterfactual Explanations: Constraints and Opportunities", KDD '24 Workshop on Human-Interpretable AI.
Goldwasser, Jeremy and Giles Hooker, 2024, "Stabilizing Estimates of Shapley Values with Control Variates" xAI, 2nd World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence. ArXiv version
Stephen P. Ellner, Robin E. Snyder, Peter B. Adler, Christina M. Hernandez and Giles Hooker, "It's about (taking up) space: discreteness of individuals and the strength of spatial coexistence mechanisms'', Ecology, 92(4):e1548
Hernandez, Christina M., Stephen P. Ellner, Robin E. Snyder and Giles Hooker, 2024, "The natural history of luck: A synthesis study of structured population models'', Ecology Letters, 27:e14390..
Tan, Sarah, Giles Hooker, Paul Koch, Alberto Gordo and Rich Caruana, 2023, "Considerations When Learning Additive Explanations for Black-Box Models'', Machine Learning, 112:3333–3359. ArXiv version
Hernandez, Christina M., Stephen P. Ellner, Peter B. Adler, Giles Hooker and Robin E. Snyder, 2023, An exact version of Life Table Response Experiment analysis, and the R package exactLTRE, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(3):939-951.
Zhou, Yichen, Zhengze Zhou and Giles Hooker, 2023, "Approximation Trees: Statistical Stability in Model Distillation", Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-022-00907-3. ArXiv link.
Zhou, Yichen and Giles Hooker, 2022, "Tree Boosted Varying Coeficient Models", Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 26:2237-2271. ArXiv Link
David Sinclair and Giles Hooker, 2022, "An Expectation Maximization Algorithm for High-Dimensional Model Selection for the Ising Model with Misclassified States", Journal of Applied Statistics, 49:16, 4049-4068. ArXiv link
Zhou, Yichen and Giles Hooker, 2022, "Boulevard: Regularized Stochastic Gradient Boosted Trees and Their Limiting Distribution'', Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(183):1-44. ArXiv version
Ellner, Stephen P., Robin E. Snyder, Peter B. Adler and Giles Hooker, 2022, "Toward a "Modern Coexistence Theory'' for Discrete and Spatial'', Ecological Monographs, 94(4):ecm.1548.
Giles Hooker and Hanlin Shang, 2022, "Selecting the Derivative of a Functional Covariate in Scalar-on-Function Regression", Statistics and Computing, 32(3):35-47. ArXiv version.
Hooker, Cliff, Claire Hooker and Giles Hooker, 2022, "Expertise, a Framework for our Most Characteristic Asset and Most Basic Inequality", Spontaneous Generations, 10(1) "The Revolt Against Expertise'' pp 27-35.
Zhou, Zhengze, Lucas Mentch and Giles Hooker, 2021, "V-statistics and Variance Estimation", Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(287):1-48. ArXiv version
Giles Hooker, Lucas Mentch and Siyu Zhou, 2021, "Unrestricted Permutation Forces Extrapolation: Variable Importance Requires at least One More Model, or There is No Free Variable Importance", Statistics and Computing, 31(6):82. ArXiv version.
Ellner, Stephen P., Peter B. Adler, Dylan Z. Childs, Giles Hooker, Tom E.X. Miller and Mark Rees, 2021, “A critical comparison of integral projection and matrix projection models for demographic analysis: Comment”, Ecology, Oct;103(10):e3605. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3605. Epub 2022 Feb 4. PMID: 34897656.
Zhou, Zhengze, Giles Hooker and Fei Wang, 2021,"S-LIME: Stabilized-LIME for Model Explanation", KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining 2429-2438. ArXiv version
Ye, Zi, Giles Hooker and Stephen P. Ellner, 2021, "Generalized Single Index Models and Jensen Effects on Reproduction and Survival", Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics,, 26:492-512. ArXiv version.
Zhou, Zhengze and Giles Hooker, 2021, "Unbiased Measurement of Feature Importance in Tree-Based Methods", Transactions in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 15(2):1-21. ArXiv link.
Ghosal, Indrayudh and Giles Hooker, 2021, "Boosting Random Forests to Reduce Bias; One-Step Boosted Forest and its Variance Estimate'', Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics,30(2):493-502. ArXiv version.
Warmenhoven, John, Norma Bargary, Dominik Liebl, Andrew Harrison, Mark Robinson, Edward Gunning and Giles Hooker, 2021, " PCA of Waveforms and Functional PCA: A Primer for Biomechanics", Journal of Biomechanics, 116:110106.
Tredennick, Andrew T., Giles Hooker, Stephen P. Ellner and Peter B. Adler, 2021, "A practical guide to selecting models for exploration, inference, and prediction in ecology'', Ecology, 102.6:e03336.
Snyder, Robin, Stephen P. Ellner and Giles Hooker, 2021, "Time and chance: using age partitioning to understand how luck drives variation in reproductive success'', The American Naturalist, 197(4):110-128.
Tan, Sarah, Matvey Soloviev, Giles Hooker, and Martin T. Wells, 2020, "Tree Space Prototypes: Another Look at Making Tree Ensembles Interpretable", 2020 ACM-IMS on Foundations of Data Science Conference. ArXiv version.
Ye, Zi and Giles Hooker, 2020, "Local Quadratic Estimation of the Curvature in a Functional Single Index Model", Scanadanavian Journal of Statistics, 47(4):1307-1338. ArXiv link.
Ye, Zi, Giles Hooker and Stephen P. Ellner, 2020, The Jensen Effect and Functional Single Index Models: Estimating the Ecological Implications of Nonlinear Reaction Norms", Annals of Appplied Statistics, 14(3):1326-12341. ArXiv link.
Coleman, Tim, Lucas Mentch, Daniel Fink, Frank La Sort, Giles Hooker, Wesley Hochachka and David Winkler, 2020, "Statistical Inference on Tree Swallow Migrations'', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 69(4):973-989. ArXiv version.
Giles Hooker, Sophia Brumer, Chrisopher Zappa and Edward Monahan "Inferences to be Drawn from a Consideration of Power-Law Descriptions of Multiple Data Sets Each Comprised of Whitecap Coverage, WB, and 10-m Elevation Wind Speed Measurements'', in Recent Advances in the Study of Oceanic Whitecaps, P. Vlahos and E. C. Monahan (Eds).
Kilian, Nicole, Yongden Zhang, Lauren LoMonica, Giles Hooker, Derek Toomre, Choukri Ben Mamoun and Andreas. M. Ernst, 2020, "Trafficking and Localization of S-Palmitoylated Proteins in Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes'', BioEssays, 1900145.
Javeed, Aurya and Giles Hooker, 2020, "Timing Observations of Diffusions", Statistics and Computing, 30:405-417. ArXiv link
J. Wen, P. Kohler, G. Duveiller, N.C. Parazoo, T.S. Magney, G. Hooker, L. Yu, C. Y. Chang, and Y. Sun, 2020 "Generating a Long-Term Record of High-Resolution Global Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) by Harmonizing Multiple Satellite Instruments: A Case Study for Fusing GOME-2 and SCIAMACHY", Remote Sensing of Environment, 239:111644.
Lengerich, Ben, Sarah Tan, Chun-Hao Chang, Giles Hooker and Rich Caruana, 2019, "Purifying Interaction Effects with the Functional ANOVA: An Efficient Algorithm for Recovering Identifiable Additive Models", AISTATS PMLR 108:2402-2412. ArXiv link
David Sinclair and Giles Hooker, 2019, "Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation for High-throughput microRNA Sequencing Data in the Poisson Log-Normal Graphical Model'', Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89(16)3105-3117. ArXiv link.
Ellner, Stephen P., Snyder, Robin E., Adler, Peter B. and Giles Hooker, 2019, "An Expanded Modern Coexistence Theory for Empirical Applications'', Ecology Letters, 22(1):3-18.
Wu, Yuefeng and Giles Hooker, 2018 "Asymptotic Properties for Methods Combining Minimum Hellinger Distance Estimates and Bayesian Nonparametric Density Estimates", Entropy, 20(12):955. ArXiv link.
Tan, Sarah, Rich Caruana, Giles Hooker and Yin Lou, 2018, "Distill-and-Compare: Auditing Black-Box Models Using Transparent Model Distillation", AAAI/ACM Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society 2018. ArXiv version
Goryaynov, Alexander, Nicole Kilian, Mark Lessard, Derek Toomre, James Rothman, Giles Hooker and Jorg Bewersdorf, 2018 "Assessing photodamage in live-cell STED microscopy'', Nature Methods, 15:755-756.
Tredennick, Andrew T., Brittany J. Teller, Peter B. Adler, Giles Hooker and Stephen P. Ellner, 2018, "Size-by-environment interactions: a neglected dimension of species' responses to environmental variation'', Ecology Letters, 21(12):1757-1770. bioRxiv version.
Adler, Peter B., Andrew Kleinhesselink, Giles Hooker, Brittany Teller and Stephen P. Ellner, 2018, "Weak interspecific interactions in a sagebrush steppe: evidence from observations, models, and experiments'', Ecology, 99(7):1621-1632.
Giles Hooker and Clifford A. Hooker, 2018, "Machine Learning and the Future of Realism", Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 9(1):174-182. ArXiv link.
Leifur Thorbergsson and Giles Hooker, 2018, "Experimental Design for Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes'', Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, 6(2):549-567. ArXiv link.
Giles Hooker and Lucas Mentch, 2018, "Bootstrap Bias Corrections for Ensemble Methods", Statistics and Computing, 28(1):77086. ArXiv link
Lucas Mentch and Giles Hooker, 2017, "Formal Hypothesis Tests for Additive Structure in Random Forests", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(3):589-597. ArXiv link.
Cecilia Earls and Giles Hooker, 2017, "Adapted Variational Bayes for Functional Data Registration, Smoothing, and Prediction", Bayesian Analysis 12(2):557-582. ArXiv link
Keegan Kang and Giles Hooker, 2017, "Random Projections with Control Variates", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. 138-147.
Chong Liu, Surajit Ray and Giles Hooker, 2017, "Functional Principal Components Analysis of Spatially Correlated Data", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27(6)1639-1654. ArXiv link
Cecilia Earls and Giles Hooker, 2016, "Combining Functional Data Registration and Factor Analysis", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(2):296-305. ArXiv link
Giles Hooker, James O. Ramsay and Luo Xiao, 2016, "CollocInter: Collocation Inference in Differential Equations", Journal of Statistical Software, 75(2).
Giles Hooker and Steven Roberts, 2016, "Maximal Autocorrelation Functions in Functional Data Analysis", Statistics and Computing. 26(5):945-950.
Giles Hooker, 2016, "Consistency, Efficiency and Robustness of Conditional Disparity Methods", Bernoulli, 22(2):857-900. ArXiv link.
Giles Hooker and Stephen P. Ellner, 2016, "Goodness of Fit in Nonlinear Dynamics: Mis-specified Rates or Mis-specified States?", Annals of Applied Statistics, 9(2):754-776. ArXiv link
Peter Hall and Giles Hooker, 2016, "Truncated Linear Models for Functional Data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 78(3):637-653. ArXiv link
Keegan Kang and Giles Hooker, 2016, "Improving the Recovery Of Principal Components with Semi Deterministic Random Projections", Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference on Information Science and Systems.
Keegan Keegan and Giles Hooker, 2016, "Block Correlated Deterministic Random
Projections", Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational
Geometry and Statistics.
Lucas Mentch and Giles Hooker, 2016,"Quantifying Uncertainty in Random Forests via Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests", Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(3):1-41. Arxiv link.
Teller, Brittany J., Peter B. Adler, Collin B. Edwards, Giles Hooker, Robin E. Snyder and Stephen P. Ellner, 2015, "Linking demography with drivers: climate and competition", Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(2):171-183.
Grinspan, Zachary, M., JS Shapiro, Erika L. Abramson, Giles Hooker, Rainu Kaushal and Lisa M. Kern, 2015, "Predicting Frequent ED Use By People with Epilepsy with Health Information Exchange Data'', Neurology, 85(12):1031-1058.
Giles Hooker, Kevin K. Lin and Bruce Rogers, 2015, Control Theory and Experimental Design in Diffusion Processes, Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, 3(1):234-264. ArXiv version.
Matthew W. McLean, Giles Hooker and David Ruppert , 2015, "Restricted Likelihood Ratio Tests for Linearity in Scalar-on-Function Regression'', Statistics and Computing, 25(5):997-1008. ArXiv link
Teppo Hiltunen, Stephen P. Ellner, Giles Hooker, Laura E. Jones, Nelson G. Hairston, ``Eco-evolutionary Dynamics in a Three-Species Food Web with Intraguild Predation: Intriguingly Complex'' in Advances in Ecological Research, Vol. 50 -- Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics.
Teppo Hiltunen, Nelson G. Hairstone, Giles Hooker, Laura E. Jones and Stephen P. Ellner, 2014, "A newly discovered role of evolution in previously published consumer-resource dynamics", Ecology Letters, 17(8):915-923.
Giles Hooker and Anand Vidyashankar, 2014, "Bayesian Model Robustness via Disparities", TEST, 23(3):556-584. See also a .tar file of R code to reproduce all our results and an older ArXiv version.
Matthew McLean, Giles Hooker, Ana-Maria Staicu, Fabian Schiepl and David Ruppert, 2014,"
Functional Generalized Additive Models'', Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 23(1):249-269.
Maria Asencio, Giles Hooker and H. Oliver Gao, 2014, "Functional Convolution Models", Statistical Modeling, 14(4):1-21.
Cecilia Earls and Giles Hooker, 2014, "Bayesian Covariance Estimation and Inference in latent Gaussian Process Models'', Statistical Methodology, 18:79-100.
Giles Hooker, 2013, "On the Identifiability of the Functional Convolution Model", Technical Report BU-1681-M, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell University.
Yuefeng Wu and Giles Hooker, 2013, "Hellinger Distance and Bayesian Non-parametrics: Hierarchical Models for Robust and Efficient Bayesian Inference", ArXiv preprint.
Giles Hooker, 2013, A review of "Boosting: Foundations and Algorithms" by Schapire and Freund, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108(502):750-754.
Matthew W. McLean, Fabian Scheipl, Giles Hooker, Sonja Greven and David Ruppert, 2013 "Bayesian Functional Generalized Additive Models with Sparsely Observed Covariates'', under review.
Yin Lou, Rich Caruana, Johannes Gehrke and Giles Hooker, 2013, "Accurate Intelligible Models with Pairwise Interactions", KDD'13.
S.A. Jesty., S.W. Jung, J.M. Cordeiro, T.M. Gunn, J.M. Di Diego, S. Hemsley, B.G. Kornreich, G. Hooker, C. Antzelevitch, N.S. Moise, 2013, "Cardiomyocyte calcium cycling in a naturally occurring German shepherd dog model of inherited ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death'', Journal of Vetinary Cardiology 15(1): 5-14.
Robert D. Gibbons, Giles Hooker, Matthew D. Finkelman, David J. Weiss, Paul A. Pilkonis, Ellen Frank, Tara Moore and David J. Kupfer, 2013, "Computerized Adaptive Diagnosis of Depression Using the CAD-MDD'', Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 74(7):669-674.
Giles Hooker and James O. Ramsay, 2012. "Learned-Loss Boosting." Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56:3935-3944. Matlab software is also available.
David Campbell, Giles Hooker and Kim McAuley, 2012, "Parameter Estimation in Differential Equation Models with Constrained States", Journal of Chemometrics, 56:322-332.
Giles Hooker and Saharon Rosset, 2012, "Prediction-Focussed Regularization Using Data-Augmented Regression", Statistics and Computing, 1:237-349. Simulation code is available.
Chong Liu, Surajit Ray, Giles Hooker and Mark Friedl, 2012, "Functional Factor Analysis for Periodic Remote Sensing Data", Annals of Applied Statistics, 6:601-624. ArXiv link
Giles Hooker, Stephen P. Ellner, Laura de Vargas Roditi and David J. D. Earn, 2011, "Parameterizing State-space Models for Infectious Disease Dynamics by Generalized Profiling: Measles in Ontario", Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 8:961-975. Matlab code to the conduct the analysis is available.
Marija Zeremski, Giles Hooker, Marla A. Shu, Emily Winkelstein, Queenie Brown, Don C. Des Jarlais, Leslie H. Tobler, Barbara Rehermann, Michael P. Busch, Brian R. Edlin, and Andrew H. Talal, 2011, "Induction of CXCR3- and CCR5-associated Chemokines during Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection", Journal of Hepatology, 55:545-553.
Matthew Finkelman, Giles Hooker and Jane Wang, 2010, ""Prevalence and Magnitude of Paradoxical Results in Multidimensional Item Response Theory". Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 35:744-761.
Giles Hooker, 2010. "On Separable Tests Correlated Priors and Paradoxical Results in Multidimensional Item Response Theory". Psychometrika, 75:694-707. Manuscript available upon request.
Daniel Fink, Wesley M. Hochachka, Benjamin Zuckerberg, David W. Winkler, Ben Shaby, M. Arthur Munson, Giles Hooker, Mirek Riedewald, Daniel Sheldon and Steve Kelling, 2010, ``Spatiotemporal Exploratory Models for Broad-scale Survey Data'', Ecological Applications, 20:2131-22147.
Ercan Atam and Giles Hooker, 2010, ``An Identification-based State Estimation Method for a Class of Nonlinear Systems''. J. Systems and Control Engineering, 224: 349-359.
Giles Hooker and Matthew Finkelman, 2009. "Paradoxical Results and Item Bundles". Psychometrika, 75:249-271. Manuscript available upon request.
Giles Hooker, Matthew Finkelman and Armin Schwartzman, 2009, "Paradoxical Results in Multidimensional Item Response Theory". Psychometrika, 74:419-442. Slides from a recent talk. Manuscript available upon request.
S. Kelling, W. Hochachka, D. Fink, M. Riedewald, R. Caruana, M. Ballard and G. Hooker, 2009, "Data Intensive Science: A New Paradigm for Diversity Studies". Bioscience, 59:613-620.
Giles Hooker, 2009. "Forcing Function Diagnostics for Nonlinear Dynamics". Biometrics, 65:928-936
Gelzer, A., M. L. Koller, N. F. Otani, J. J. Fox, M. W. Enyeart, G. Hooker, M. L. Riccio, C. R. Bartoli and R. F. Gilmour, 2008, "Dynamic Mechanisms for Initiation of Ventricular Fibrillation in vivo", Circulation, 118:1123-1129.
James Ramsay, Giles Hooker David Campbell and Jiguo Cao, 2007. "Parameter Estimation for Differential Equations: A Generalized Smoothing Approach". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 69:741–796, (with discussion).
Giles Hooker, 2007. "Generalized Functional ANOVA Diagnostics for High Dimensional Functions of Dependent Variables". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16:709-732.
Robert Norris, Jessica Ngo, Karen Nolan and Giles Hooker, 2005. "Volunteers are Unable to Properly Apply Pressure Immobilization in a Simulated Snakebite Scenario". Journal of Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 16:16-21.
Giles Hooker, 2004. "Diagnostics and Extrapolation in Machine Learning". PhD Thesis, Department of Statistics, Stanford University.
Giles Hooker and Matthew Finkelman, 2004. "Sequential Analysis for Learning Modes of Browsing". WEBKDD 2004: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from the Web.
Giles Hooker, 2004. "Diagnosing Extrapolation: Tree-Based Density Estimation". Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
Giles Hooker, 2004. "Discovering ANOVA Structure in Black Box Functions". Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
Michael Shirts, Eric Bair, Giles Hooker and Vijay Pande, 2003. "Equilibrium Free Energies from Nonequilibrium Estimates Using Maximum Likelihood Methods". Physical Letters Review. 91(14):140601.
Giles Hooker, 1999. "Developing a Spline Smoothed Density". Honours Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Australian National University.
Markus Hegland, Giles Hooker and Stephen Roberts, 1999. "Finite Element Thin Plate Splines in Density Estimation". Computational Techniques and Applications: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Conference: CTAC99. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B (special issue).
Mentch, Lucas and Giles Hooker, 2021, "Bridging Breiman's Brook: From Algorithmic Modeling to Statistical Learning'', a commentary on the 20th anniversary of Breiman's "Two Cultures'' essay. Observational Studies 7(1):107-125 ArXiv link
Ellner, Stephen P., Robin E. Snyder, Peter B. Adler, Giles Hooker and Sebastian J. Shreiber, 2020, "Comment on Pande et al. (2020): Why invasion analysis is important for understanding coexistence'' Ecology Letters, 23(11):1721-1724.
Giles Hooker and Lucas Mentch, 2016, "Comments on A Random Forest Guided Tour", TEST, 25(2):254-260.
Giles Hooker and Stephen P. Ellner, 2010, ``On Forwards Prediction Error'', Technical Report BU-1679-M, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell University.
Giles Hooker, 2010, ``Comments on: Dynamic Relations for Sparsely Sampled Gaussian Processes'', TEST, 19, 50-53.
Matthew Finkelman, Giles Hooker and Jane Wang, 2009, "Unidentifiability and Lack of Monotonicity in the Multidimensional Three-Parameter Logistic Model". Technical Report BU-1678-M, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell University.
Giles Hooker and Larry Biegler, 2007. "IPOPT and Neural Dynamics: Tips, Tricks and Diagnostics", Technical Report BU-1676-M, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell University. A demonstration bundle provides data and AMPL code from this estimation.
Giles Hooker, 2007, "Theorems and Calculations for Smoothing-based Profiled Estimation of Differential Equations", Technical Report BU-1671-M, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell University.
Giles Hooker and Fuliang Weng, 2003. "Subset Selection in Large, Sparse Systems: An application of the Forward Stagewise approach to Natural Language Processing". Technical Report, Robert Bosch Corp.
Technical Reports and Commentary